

This recommend that you take these nutrients together if possible for many reasons:

1. Taking each herb, vitamin and mineral separately could prove very costly as you would have to buy many different supplements.

2. Mixing and matching nutrients on your own could be dangerous to your health.

3. Many herbs and nutrients working together can offer more therapeutic benefits, often better than a single nutrient on its own.

4. All of these nutrients have to be balanced perfectly in order to be optimally effective.

We have found two natural products that contain special herbs for men as well as other nutrients for male health and overall health.

The first product is called Male Rejuvenator and it contains a synergistic balance of herbs for men plus other essential herbs, minerals, vitamins and nutrients for general health and well-being. Male Rejuvenator contains specific ingredients that help maintain and support the prostate, including beta sitosterol, the active ingredient in saw palmetto.

For treating low male energy, we have found a special companion supplement called Natural Energy Formula containing pure bee pollen as well as vitamins, minerals and amino acids that have been shown to improve sexual function and sex drive.

Many of our male editors and visitors have experienced success with Male Rejuvenator. They have used it for its herbs for men as well as its many other therapeutic benefits. Some of them have used this in conjunction with the Natural Energy Formula, and have noticed considerable increases in sex drive and sexual energy.

As with all health supplements, results vary from person to person so be sure to consult your physician or qualified herbal professional before taking any herbs for men or herbal supplements.

Learn about herbs for men and male suppliments and how they can improve your health today.

Herb Mens


One of the most important issues affecting men is prostate growth and prostate cancer. As we discuss in our Prostate Herbs section, prostate enlargement affects half of the male population by the age of fifty. The condition is known as benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH), which can eventually lead to prostate cancer.
Best Prostate Herbs
Saw Palmetto - an herb from a small palm tree native to the Atlantic seaboard, saw palmetto is the most popular and researched prostate herb. Saw palmetto contains beta sitosterol, a powerful compound that interferes with the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Studies show that saw palmetto shrinks enlarged prostates and relieves urinary problems.

Red Clover - a member of the pea family, red clover contains powerful antioxidants that fight off cancerous growths. Red clover inhibits DHT formation, thus inhibiting enlargement of the prostate gland and the symptoms that accompany it.
Best Impotence Herbs

Ginkgo Biloba - Gingko improves circulation to the penis as well as acts to alleviate the symptoms of depression which may be a cause of impotence. Gingko also stimulates the mind and helps with concentration.

Gotu Kola - Gotu kola improves circulation as well as enhances mental performance and concentration.

Muira Puama - Muira puama has been shown to increase both male and female sex drive, as well as help maintain erections. Muira puama may also help balance sexual hormone levels.

Tribulus - Tribulus has been shown to help with impotence and infertility, as well as stimulate hormone production.

Parents are generally content with whatever sex education is offered by their children's school (see Parents Approve sidebar), and public school principals, in a parallel NPR/Kaiser/Kennedy School survey, report little serious conflict over sex education in their communities nowadays. Nearly three-quarters of the principals (74 percent) say there have been no recent discussions or debate in PTA, school board or other public meetings about what to teach in sex ed. Likewise, few principals report being contacted by elected officials, religious leaders or other people in their communities about sex education.However, this does not mean that all Americans agree on what kind of sex education is best. There are major differences over the issue of abstinence. Fifteen percent of Americans believe that schools should teach only about abstinence from sexual intercourse and should not provide information on how to obtain and use condoms and other contraception. A plurality (46 percent) believes that the most appropriate approach is one that might be called "abstinence-plus" -- that while abstinence is best, some teens do not abstain, so schools also should teach about condoms and contraception. Thirty-six percent believe that abstinence is not the most important thing, and that sex ed should focus on teaching teens how to make responsible decisions about sex.

The immune system, under normal conditions, prevents illnesses from developing by neutralizing foreign substances that enter the body. The immune system also regulates the cells of the body by directing a cell to die if it is mutated. Helping the body maintain this high state of vigilance is a natural method to restoring health and preventing illness.One approach to natural immune system care is through nutrition such as fucoidan which has been heavily researched in the last decade. It is a polysaccharide from brown seaweed which is a dietary staple of Japanese natives. It has been shown to improve cellular communication so mutated cells are destroyed by the body. It is also seen as an anti-aging nutrient that supports cell regeneration by mobilizing stem cells. Other benefits are seen in healthy joints, circulation, dietary cholesterol, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, kidneys, and anti-oxidant support.Known for its health preserving properties for centuries or longer, it has been studied since the 1970’s and marketed in supplements in Japan since 1997. For those interested in transforming their bodies from a dump to an oasis, adding fucoidan to their nutritional protocol is greatAnother new development is the availability of gelceuticals. They are gel based nutritional supplements from whole foods, such as fucoidan in brown seaweed, that have exceptional bio-availability in the digestive tract. This is a recent advancement for people who want an alternative to pills and liquids. Pills have the least absorption rates and liquids need to be refrigerated and measured. Once harvested and processed into a gelceutical, the nutrients are retained as close to its natural state as possible, especially fucoidan which is already a gel-like substance. (Dr. Lisa Ann )

Do you think that the way men show their love

Do you think that the way men show their love changes once married and sometimes woman can mistake this as not being loved?? Meaning the love isn't as romantic but more providing for them and the family but the love is no less?

So how men show love ?

Somehow women are able to keep their love constant and share it with their children and not have a decrease for what they feel or show towards their husbands. Perhaps they are motivated more by emotions and feelings as compared to men.

Some men straggle to show love and romance in the way a woman wants it. The push is on during courtship to win the affection. When the marriage takes place and the prize is theirs, it falls into a maintenance role. When you win a race, you don't always run to keep the trophy, the race is over, you just keep the trophy polished and love it as much as the day you won it.

Unfortunately it doesn't quite work the same in a human relationship, but that doesn't stop men from having that mentality.

Men have a harder time dividing their affection between all the family members than do the wives, not sure why, but it's a struggle for me to show my love to all the family members. I sometimes feel that I have to take from one to give to the other because I only have so much love to give.

Bring Back Your Lost Love,.........

Lost love is a reason to cry for. While relationship problems are varied and complex, we believe that most relationship problems are by-products of ineffective or counterproductive communication within the relationship. Lost love is love that has been lost for any number of reasons. Symptoms such as anxiety, depression or relationship problems are seen as the outward sign of events and processes which may be unconscious. A lost love is the most uncomfortable loss.

If you long for the return of a lost lover. A lost love is never lost unless what's lost is the love for your lover. When you lose something, it still has the potential to be found, but when love is lost, you may never find it again. Does that mean you can not stay together and bring back that old love back into your life.

There are many ways to win back love, but you need to start with the basics. Love & Hugs is a good start to heal your marriage relationship problems and build a happy, healthy marriage. Your emotional needs are what you need to feel loved. The seeds will be planted to break the barriers of stubbornness, of bitterness, of blindness--and replace them with feelings of warmth and love for you.

Each feeling good about themselves; loving themselves and sharing that love with each other. "Rarely does anyone get what they need from a relationship when their only intention is to criticize their lover for mistakes or to offer assistance that is not asked for. Desperate behavior is much more likely to repel your lost love rather than attract them. For example, say "(wife) I feel lonely when you (husband) are not home at night," instead of saying, "You are never home and that makes me think you don't love me. Learn to appreciate and respect your lover's different point of view. If you are in a relationship for the long haul, it would be wise to treat your partner with respect and demonstrate your love in thoughtful ways.

Within days, you'll have a renewed sense of hope, a strong feeling that the person you so deeply and desperately love is on the road back to you. Love knows that the shortest distance from one person to another is not always a straight line, and that some people walk in circles only to find they have never moved from the same spot. Love alone knows the length of the shadow he casts on your face while you sleep, love sees the width of that chasm that separates you from him.

Even if your lost love is distant from you. Used in a fair way, your relationship, your partner and your relationship problems are invaluable for both of you in your personal developement. Lost love is a timeless theme, immortalized in fiction through countless songs, plays, movies, and television shows. Approaching the subject from a different perspective may even shed some light on how virtual relationship problems are affecting other parts of your life. So now searching for your lost love is quick and easy, and you could reconnect sooner than you had hoped. Once you are successful to kindle the flames of love in your lovers heart, life will again become a fully bloomed spring and you will find yourself walking hand in hand with your lover in the valleys of joviality.
(Tue Nov 27th, 2007, by AskMikee)

Get Sexy woman

Winning your wonder woman: Sometimes we find that we admire a certain woman that we consider to have traits that we desire. In some cases a man will be driven by the stunning beauty of a woman to try and win her. The biggest challenge lies in how to be sure that you don’t suffer a rejection. Here are some things that might help you to win that wonder woman of your dreams.

how to win that sexy woman you always desire

1. Looking smart and stylish

First things first; women like guys who are well groomed and have a sense of style. Visual attraction is very important to a woman. I have noticed that unless you are a celebrity who is facially recognizable, then chances are you won’t attract attention onto yourself. Depending on the occasion, be it a party or at the office, you will need to be smart. Remember that looking smart does not necessarily mean being strung up in suits.

I have personally noticed that wearing clean and stylish sports wear on weekends tends to get me too much attention from the ladies. You see I learnt to compensate my lack of good looks with being perennially crisp in my clothing. All in all wearing good clothes and having a well trimmed hair, nails and all tends to give you that crucial first attention. Without that you don’t stand much chance of even being listened to. You may also need to put some touch to your posture and eye contact.

2. Try not to look needy and desperate

Interestingly girls will almost always play hard to get and try to gauge your interest. If you are the person that walks immediately you are told a NO, then the girl just passes you on as just another joker like the one minute before you. You will need to tell if she had the slightest attraction to you. This give you hope that you may just hack it with her.

Some men however try too hard to win a girl that they become persistent and pesty. This you don’t want to do. The funny thing is that a girl wants to convince herself that she is not being forced into anything. They want to feel that they actually were responsible in making that decision to go out with you. So be it. You may not believe this but I have won many dates by withdrawing my assault and making it look that im just respecting her need for space.

3. Playing A Girl At Her Own Game

To give you an example, I once started hitting out on a very gorgeous waitress in a restaurant I used to go to. No matter how hard I tried to convince here to go on a date with me. She just couldn’t agree. By that time I was reading a book on dating and it advised me to try one trick in winning dates. It said that I tell politely tell her that I will not be pestering her because that seems like what she wants. So One day I sent here a text message telling her that I thought I was harassing her in her job. I also said that didn’t seem fair and I would henceforth not hassle her. Similarly I said I won’t ask her out on a date until she sees it fit.

4. I Also Played Hard To Get In A Soft Way And It Worked

I then decided not to go that restaurant for a week and see what happens. Well guys, the week wasn’t even over yet when she called me on a Friday and said she wanted to see me. I got my date that Saturday but still insisted I wouldn’t want to seem like im hassling her at her place of work. She said it was alright as long as I don’t expect to get any soon. And I said that’s fine, and in fact I wasn’t looking at the relationship as a casual thing. You should have seen her. She blushed and kissed me on the cheek. Anyway I knew I had made my first move and wouldn’t be long until I got her to bed. The rest is history.

I’m now an accomplished dating maestro having learnt from the best teacher there ever was. I mean this guy has an eBook that teaches you how never to be told no by a girl. I have tried all the tricks in the book with astounding success and would not hesitate to recommend it to you. You can also get free lessons from this guy on how to date women. Especially women that always thought unreachable by following the links below.

(Tue Nov 20th, 2007, by Robert Edmonds)